☄️How to get Characters on S Planet?

Fusion D warriors to S warriors through Breeding Ecosystem

Breeding Ecosystem:

To generate S Characters, users need to breed from old DBALL characters

2 d.Char+ ? DBS + ? SBALL = 1 s.Char

(d.Char stands for the Character from D planet)

(s.Char stands for the Character from S Planet)

✅Each breed will create a drake egg which will automatically be hatched after 5 days. After that, you will receive a s.NFT warrior to fight in S Planet.

✅The Egg List contains maximum 4 characters per account.

✅Old characters will have 0/9 Breed Count Maximum. The old characters will not disappear after Breed. The maximum breed is 9/9 so users can choose to sell/transfer to other player who do not have enough d.NFT character to breed.

✅The more breed times, the more DBS + SBALL Fee required.

Example: To Breed S planet Characters, we will have formula below:

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