S planet to N planet

🔥🔥 Fusion Spaceships feature released🔥🔥

👉Prepare for the Zeno World release, we have released the Fusion Space which will allow our players to transfer their Characters from S Planet to N Planet to earn NBALL

💵The Fusion Spaceship Fee will be $6 paid by SBALL and NBALL ($3 by SBALL and $3 by NBALL) with Oracle Based to maintain the fee at $6 regardless the price fluctation.

1️⃣ Choose "N" planet to move to

2️⃣ Select "S" Character you want to transfer to "N" planet

3️⃣ Click "Fusion"

4️⃣ The Spaceship will take 5 days to fly to "N" Planet, enjoy the fly

ℹ️ Due to Oracle is already deployed so the Transfer Fee is always remain at $6 total

Last updated